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How To Prevent Kidney Failure The kidneys are two organs located in your mid section on either side of your spine. They clean the blood from waste and keep a balance of salt and other minerals in order to control your blood pressure. The most commonest causes of kidney disease are;diabetes, hypertension, heavy alcohol users, smoking, old age, people with recurrent urinary tract infections , and over the counter drugs abusers. When the kidneys are damaged, waste products and fluids builds up in your body causing swellings, vomiting, weakness, poor sleep and shortness of breath . Report to the nearest health facility when you experience any of the above symptoms. Check your blood pressure and blood sugar regularly. If no intervention is done, the kidneys will eventually stop working. Remember that, loss of kidney functioning is very fatal and we should all be alert. Share and save a life today! #lifefrom30hypertensionawarenessgroup # "


I was going through  Facebook  a month ago and saw the picture below being shared by a friend on her page . It really caught my attention. But after reading the message, I felt very sad and worried. The reason was that, obesity was killing me slowly(98kg) and hardly exercise too. But my attitude towards life have changed. I started exercising every weekends when I don't have work. The funny thing is that, the picture was always on my mind and kept me moving. I now eat fruits every morning and evening of which  I never did. My colleagues look at me and wonder what is causing the sudden change . It's no other thing than "life from 30" picture....... The great news is that my weight is reducing gradually and I feel so healthy, strong and happy. Thank you "life from 30".Keep up the good work. You are changing life and saving innocent souls. Shallom!!!                                              Kobby writes #lifefrom30hypertensionawarenessgroup#


1,It prevents heart conditions due to its omega 3 contents. 2,It is good for pregnant women and aid in the development of the baby's brain. 3,It is an excellent source of Vitamin D for an optimal health 4,It contains selenium which works as an    antioxidant, preventing cell damage. 5,It reduces risk of depression due to its omega 3 content. 6,It prevents inflammation  of the joints due to its calcitonin contents. 7,It is good for school going children as it prevents ADHD. 8,It prevents  cognitive decline in the elderly. #lifefrom30hypertensionawarenessgroup#
Group fitness is a great way to help,motivate yourself and others to dig deeper and push harder in workout.Get a fitness group closer to your hood or organization and shake the excess fats off. #lifefrom30hypertensionawarenessgroup#pictureofGRNA/CEPSHQ#ABURIGARDENS#
AN IMPORTANT THING YOU SHOULD KNOW.  There are several blood vessels (arteries) in our body that carry blood from the heart throughout the body.These blood vessels are lined by a thin layer of cells called endothelium.The endothelium is smooth in nature,which enables easy flow of blood in the body. But atherosclerosis occurs when the endothelium of the blood vessel is occupied with fatty plaques preventing blood from flowing through the body.As the build up of fat increases,it slows down the flow of blood or may rapture the blood vessel.This result in your risk of developing heart attack or stroke.The sad thing is that it presents no symptoms unless at its terminal stage.The most commonest cause of atherosclerosis is high cholesterol,smoking and high blood pressure.Exercise regularly to burn excess fats,eat nutritious diet,avoid smoking and check your blood pressure regularly. #lifefrom30hypertensionawarenessgroup#


Most a times when people share their experiences here,you may think they are not real till it happens to you. I am Ghanaian but lives outside the country with my family.I saw a story on your page about a young lady who had Pregnancy induced hypertension and it was really touching. I then realised from the comments that,most people may fall victims to what i experienced. Hence the need share my story in order to save lives too. My blood pressure was normal throughout pregnancy and a had a safe delivery too.But  the whole game changed after delivery when I started having a high blood pressure(above 140/90mmHg).In fact,I didn't understand this whole concept but to comply to the treatment prescribed by my doctor.I felt so sad because I got to know a lot of myths  about hypertension. But the story changed when I saw the stories of young people living with hypertension on your page and how they managed it.Then I started exercising, watching my diet, taking my medication religiously an


Ever heard that sleep plays an important role in your physical and mental health? Yes, it indeed does. It is involved in healing and repair of your heart and blood vessels. Consistent sleep deficiency is linked to an increased risk of heart diseases, kidney diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes and stroke. It generally gives a better mental status and a great feeling of well-being.
If you've been diagnosed with hypertension,you might be worried about taking medication to bring your numbers down.Remember that lifestyle plays a major role in treating high blood pressure.If you successfully control your blood pressure with healthy lifestyle,you might avoid delay or reduce the need  for medication.Lose extra kilos today!! #lifefrom30hypertensionawarenessgroup#

Shake the body off and burn the fats......Hypertension is real.Know your numbers and save your life kick hypertension out now!!! #lifefrom30hypertensionawarenessgroup

The most painful thing is being alive and not able to move a body part..........Stroke is a serious condition.Has anyone in your family suffered from stroke before?


A stroke occurs when the blood supply to your brain is interrupted or reduced. This deprives your brain of oxygen and nutrients, which can cause your brain cells to die. A stroke may be caused by a blocked artery (ischemic stroke) or the leaking or bursting of a blood vessel (hemorrhagic stroke).

Importance of Grounding

Grounding also known as earthing is simple; you walk barefoot to ground with the earth. This has been proven to have many health benefits; You have a healthier feet. Greater circulation. A better posture. Reduces blood pressure. Increased mobility. Less joint pain. Reduce inflammation. Greater freedom.


Jamaican man crashes his new car and cries: "mi can't believe mi just fuck up mi brand new beamer" The paramedic turns to him and says: "u jamaicans are so materialistic, you haven't even noticed u are missing your left arm" The Jamaican looks down and sees that his arm was missing and shouts: "bumboclaath mi Rolex gone too"😂😂😂😂😂
Work out. Eat right. Your body will reward you.


Gone are the days when our beliefs,and thoughts limited the prevention and management of hypertension.There is no doubt that socio cultural beliefs are difficult to be neutralized,hence some people still have a different perception about hypertension and heart diseases.My family was not different from those people,but now the story has changed.......  My name is Kofi Arhin,I am 26 years of age.Hypertension and its related complications have ruin my family for the past years.My grandmother who did not only die in the name of uncontrolled high blood pressure and diabetes,genetically passed it on to her children(5 out of 7).One of my uncles died few years ago on account of this unfriendly disease.During my training at the nursing institution,I realized that hypertension runs in the family and  I needed to save my family from these unexpected deaths.Currently, my mum and her four other siblings are under close monitoring and management on hypertension and diabetes.It is not easy at all.As


We pay more attention on our outward look,forgetting that we are true reflectors of what we eat or do to our body.We eat all kinds of food when we start receiving our salaries and move around saying life begins at 40.What life are we going to live if the foundation is not well laid.It suddens my heart to hear people say fruits and vegetables are very expensive hence hardly take them.But we are able to buy expensive things to lavish ourselves.Some people complain of not getting enough time to exercise  during the week,yet they get time to go and watch movies and other entertaining programs.Who I'm I to judge?We all fall short when it comes to living a healthy life.But we should know that healthy life is very important.Dont stress yourself trying to please your boss.Rest in between your stressful activities.When you die today,someone will replace you.Anytime you put something into your mouth,think of the benefits to your body.Above all,know your blood pressure readings.Most unexpecte


I am Nana Kwasi, a 45year old auditor and I was diagnosed as hypertensive 4 months ago. Initially, I had a problem with taking my medication because I had heard that when you start taking it you will be on it for life and I had also heard of people complaining about different side effects. I was scared. Well, I started my medication then I think after week, I saw the benefits of beetroot on your (Lifefrom30) Facebook page that it helps in the control of high blood pressure so I decided to quit my medication and try the beetroot drink. Later on, by monitoring my pressure I realised the readings were very good so I was just taking the beetroot drinks without the medication and without my doctor's consent and I stopped worrying myself about monitoring because the readings were always good when I checked. I continued staying off the medications for close to 2 months and about a week,  till one day when I felt dizzy  whiles working at the office. On recovery I realised I was at the h


Nice One

The  International Society   of Hypertension  and World Hypertension League  acknowledged Life from 30(Ghana) for their great effort during this year's World Hypertension Day period. Data and some pictures were published in their quarterly journal this year  as a form of acknowledgement. Indeed we cannot rejoice abt our success without thanking you for your support by ur daily sharing n liking of our post.To the Life from 30 team.,we say well done. #Lifefrom30hypertensionawarenessgruop #
Life from 30 participated in the Despite Group of Companies public blood donation program by checking the blood pressure of individuals who were scheduled for the blood donation program.A one on one education  on hypertension was also given to most of the people.We thank the administrative body of the Despite Group of Company for the opportunity.To the team members,we say well done.Keep up the good work.
LIFE From 30 had a successful education and screening exercise with about 40 staff of Trans Global logistics,Tema on the 30th June,2016.A detailed education on hypertension and its related complication was done by the team,followed by a blood pressure,hepatitis B,blood sugar and malaria screening.It was very involving but with the cooperation and support from the staff it was successful.We want to express our sincere gratitude to the administration and staff of Trans Global Logistics for their support.Thank you Team Life from 30.Keep up with the good work.


Hwentia has a wide range of biological and anti microbial activities. It is used for the treatment of cough, convulsions, inflammations, high blood pressure, asthma, cancer, rheumatism, dysentery, constipation, epilepsy, dermatosis, headache etc and these are attributed to the wide variety of secondary metabolites in its plant. It gives a good flavoring to soup, stews and even porridges. It can be crushed, grounded or used in whole and removed from foods after cooking and about to be served.


SCREENING! SCREENING! LIFE FROM 30 Team will have a screening exercise outside Accra on the 30th of June on the entire staff of TRANS  GLOBAL LOGISTICS, Tema. This is the team's first screening exercise outside Accra. We pray and hope for a successful  screening exercises. We thank the Adminstration of TRANS GLOBAL LOGISTICS for the permit. #lifefrom30hypertensionawarenessgroup#


3 men took their pregnant wives to de hospital for delivery; as they kept waiting for de results, de doctor came out and ask de 1st man: Doctor: do u work @ TV3? 1st man: yes doc; Doctor:congrats ur wife gav birth to triplets(3 kids). Doctor den asked who works @ 5 star company? 2nd man: itz me doc; Doctor: congrats ur wife gav birth to 5 kids. Then de third man started 🏃running.... Why?.... he works @ 37 military hospital Dnt Laugh😀 alone


I have never bothered reading any of your posts although I see them most a times. The reason was that, I saw them to be science related till I read on the benefits of beetroot. Even with that, I felt reluctant reading but was caught by the picture of the vegetable. Seriously, that was the first time knowing the name of that vegetable. I became more interested knowing it to be lowering high blood pressure. My mum is a known hypertensive and a banker as well. She has been on anti hypertensive drugs after the birth of my six year old brother. Her antihypertensive drugs have been changed several times because she keeps complaining a lot of symptoms to her doctor. Later on, She was seeing her condition to be more of spiritual than pathological. So I decided to let her try the beetroot whiles she continues with her anti hypertensive drugs and see what happens. I had to read more about this vegetable on the internet before because I knew my mum will be asking a whole lots of questions .After


1.Good for pregnancy;it contains a lot of folic and aids in the development of the baby's nervous system and protects the newborn from neurological disorders. 2.It improves good eye sight due to the presence of Vitamin A. 3.It prevents  the rise of blood sugar,hence good for diabetics. 4.It contains a lot of potassium which lowers high blood pressure and makes the heart functions effectively. 5.It  lowers the risks of cancers especially prostate and breast cancers  due to the high lycopene contents. 6.It serves as a laxative due to its high level of dietary fibres and prevents constipation. 7.The leaves have an antibody action and a powerful antibacterial ability which fights infections and kill  germs. 8.The high content of Vitamin C serves as a good remedy for cold and coughs. #lifefrom30hypertensionawarenessgroup#
DID YOU KNOW THIS? Eating a well-balanced diet that includes plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables can make a big difference to your health. It can make you feel much more alert and increase your vitality and vigour. The amount of food you need in a day depends on your age,sex, and level of activity. Don't let the vegetables and fruits go waste.... #lifefrom30hypertensionawarenesgroup#
JOKE FOR THERAPY. In America, an African man was chewing bones after he ate his meal at the restaurant. A white man chewing biscuit was sitting next to the black guy was just looking at him. He then asked the African man, WHAT DO DOGS CHEW IN AFRICA??? The african replied, they chew BISCUIT. 😂😂😂🙈😜😜😜😜


1,It contains a lot of mono unsaturated fats that controls your cholesterol level. 2,It contains a lot of potassium that controls high blood pressure. 3,It helps in weight loss. 4,It builds up strong bones and teeth. 5,Provides  good brain functioning. 6,It controls blood sugar hence good for diabetics. #lifefrom30hypertensionawarenessgroup#


It is going to be educative and interesting on LIGHT TV today at 11am,when staff from LIFE FROM 30 educate the people of Ghana on Pregnancy Induced Hypertension and  the secrets behind LIFE FROM 30 Organization. Don't miss antenatal clinic when pregnant. Remember to monitor your blood pressure readings before and after pregnancy.Take control of your life. You are too young to die at your age. #lifefrom30hypertensionawarenessgroup#


Patient: Doctor I took the medicine at 6am Doctor : But I told you to take it at 9am?? Patient : Yes doctor, but I wanted to surprise the bacteria. 😅😅😅😅😅


Her husband changed after her death.....    She was full of eagerness and joy when her pregnancy was almost due. That was her first pregnancy after two years of marriage. She started experiencing headache for days but took it for granted. On that unfortunate day,she fainted and was rushed to a nearby clinic. All efforts by paramedics to save her and the baby's life proved futile. She  had uncontrolled high blood pressure......When did you check your blood pressure?Men, make sure you know your wife's blood pressure  readings. Dont take things for granted.  Share this message to save lives.####Pregnancy induced hypertension##lifefrom30hypertensionawareness group.##


1.It improves eye sight. 2.Reduces high blood pressure. 3.Fights against cancer and heart diseases. 4.Prevents kidney diseases. 5.Improves skin Turgor. 6.Promotes weight loss. #lifefrom30hypertensionawarenessgroup#



Any abnormal heart rhythm characterized by rapid and irregular beating. Often it starts as brief periods of abnormal beating which become longer and possibly constant over time. Most episodes have no symptoms. Occasionally there may be heart palpitations, fainting, shortness of breath or chest pain. It is called Atrial fibrillation. It  increases the risk of heart failure, dementia and stroke. Hypertension and obesity are common risk factors for atrial fibrillation. Caffeine consumption does not appear to be associated with its development but excessive alcohol consumption (binge drinking) is linked to atrial fibrillation. Go to the nearest health facility if you have the above signs and symptoms. #lifefrom30hypertensionawarenessgroup#


A guy was in love with a girl but never had the guts to tell her. One night around 10, he gathered some courage & sent her a text with these honest words... "Doreen, I love you, Plz reply & tell me how you feel." A few seconds later he received a message alert on his phone. He was so scared and too tensed to open it that night so he decided not to check the message until the next morning when he's less tense and in better senses. So he went to sleep. When he woke up the next day he prayed seriously about the message for good news, went about doing his morning chores, brushed his teeth, ate his breakfast took a bath, dressed himself up then climbed into bed and picked his phone to read the message on his phone. This was the response he read: "Dear customer you have insufficient balance to send this message. Please recharge your account and try again".😄😃😄


I saw a memo in my office about a blood pressure screening  and education exercise  by Life from 30 but I was never bothered  about it. Just because I'm too young(39yrs) to experience  hypertension. The screening commenced and I saw a lot of people participating. I laughed and said to myself,"people are really sick....even my juniors! ".I didn't take part during the whole process till the last day when a member of the Life from 30 team called me. In fact, I felt reluctant but I heard a voice telling me to go in order to prove to her I'm healthy. As courageous as I was, I had my blood  pressure  checked and I didn't believe the readings after four checks. The least reading was 160/121mmHg.The team educated me and ensured that I was seen by a doctor promptly. After several investigations by the doctor, I was diagnosed of hypertension. I'm  on antihypertensive drugs and on lifestyle modifications. My blood pressure is under control now. I believe so much that


1. It is used in the treatment of worm infestation in the body. 2.It increases your  iron levels in the blood,hence good in treating anaemia. 3.It lowers cholesterol level in the body,hence good in controlling body weight and high blood pressure. 4.It has aphrodisiac properties by increasing circulation,intensifying your orgasm and improving your sex life. 5.It controls and regulates blood sugar levels in the body,hence good for diabetics. 6.It prevents clots formation in the body and good  for people with heart ailments and those prone suffering from stroke and other clotting disorders. 7.It improves allergic airway iflammations hence good for asthmatics. 8.It helps detoxify heavy metals in our body such as lead. 9.It contains anti oxidants properties,anti fungal,anti viral and anti bacterial effects. And good in treating all kinds of diseases in your body. #Lifefrom30hypertensionawarenessgroup#