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I have never bothered reading any of your posts although I see them most a times. The reason was that, I saw them to be science related till I read on the benefits of beetroot. Even with that, I felt reluctant reading but was caught by the picture of the vegetable. Seriously, that was the first time knowing the name of that vegetable. I became more interested knowing it to be lowering high blood pressure.
My mum is a known hypertensive and a banker as well. She has been on anti hypertensive drugs after the birth of my six year old brother. Her antihypertensive drugs have been changed several times because she keeps complaining a lot of symptoms to her doctor. Later on, She was seeing her condition to be more of spiritual than pathological. So I decided to let her try the beetroot whiles she continues with her anti hypertensive drugs and see what happens. I had to read more about this vegetable on the internet before because I knew my mum will be asking a whole lots of questions .After the first week, it worked like magic!!. Her symptoms of severe headache , palpitation and  the others had vanished. According to my mum, her doctor was amazed of her weekly blood pressure checks readings. She’s still on her anti hypertensive but her doctor reduced the dosage after knowing the results of her cholesterol level. She is so happy and looks more healthy in both physical and psychological. I feel like a hero now but I had to share this testimony for others to know how helpful you have been to me through this page.Thank you for  your daily posts of education. God richly bless you...
                                                            By Ama....


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