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I saw a memo in my office about a blood pressure screening  and education exercise  by Life from 30 but I was never bothered  about it. Just because I'm too young(39yrs) to experience  hypertension. The screening commenced and I saw a lot of people participating. I laughed and said to myself,"people are really sick....even my juniors! ".I didn't take part during the whole process till the last day when a member of the Life from 30 team called me. In fact, I felt reluctant but I heard a voice telling me to go in order to prove to her I'm healthy. As courageous as I was, I had my blood  pressure  checked and I didn't believe the readings after four checks. The least reading was 160/121mmHg.The team educated me and ensured that I was seen by a doctor promptly. After several investigations by the doctor, I was diagnosed of hypertension. I'm  on antihypertensive drugs and on lifestyle modifications. My blood pressure is under control now. I believe so much that,it was Allah who spoke to me. What would have happened?.....Hmmm.... Thank you team Life from 30 . Allah bless you all...
                                     By Siedu


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