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Showing posts from May, 2016


1. It is used in the treatment of worm infestation in the body. 2.It increases your  iron levels in the blood,hence good in treating anaemia. 3.It lowers cholesterol level in the body,hence good in controlling body weight and high blood pressure. 4.It has aphrodisiac properties by increasing circulation,intensifying your orgasm and improving your sex life. 5.It controls and regulates blood sugar levels in the body,hence good for diabetics. 6.It prevents clots formation in the body and good  for people with heart ailments and those prone suffering from stroke and other clotting disorders. 7.It improves allergic airway iflammations hence good for asthmatics. 8.It helps detoxify heavy metals in our body such as lead. 9.It contains anti oxidants properties,anti fungal,anti viral and anti bacterial effects. And good in treating all kinds of diseases in your body. #Lifefrom30hypertensionawarenessgroup#



Hypertension(high blood pressure) is the major risk factor for heart diseases.In 2002,WHO named it the " number one killer "due to its high mortality rate and its complications.And its related conditions such as stroke and heart attack are on the increase now. You may think you are young and healthy.Young people are affected with  hypertension, stroke and heart attack.You are not different from them. You  should know that,high blood pressure is a silent killer and doesn't give any  signs.Except in the crisis state.What are you waiting for?Go to any close hospital to check your blood pressure."KNOW YOUR NUMBERS".###lifefrom30//hypertensionawareness##


A fat man saw an advertisement that said, “Lose 5kg in a week.” He made a phone call and said, “I would like to join!” The lady who responded welcomed the idea and asked him to be ready at 6am the following day. The following morning, he got to the gym and was taken to a room. He opened the door and found a beautiful woman there clad in only a shirt and underpants. She said, “If you can catch me, you can sleep with me!” The lady started running, while the man started to run after her. But he could not catch her. During the whole week, he tried hard to catch her but could not. He, however, lost 5kg in the process! He then asked for the 10kg programme. The next time, he opened the door and found another woman clad in a bikini who said, “If you catch me, you can sleep with me.” He lost 10kg that week although he did not catch the woman. So, he thought this was an awesome programme and then requested the 25kg weight loss programme. The lady said, “Are you sure? It’s really tough!”


1.Avocados are loaded with powerful antioxidants that protect your eyes. 2.They contain a lot of potassium more than banana hence controls high blood pressure. 3.They are loaded with mono saturated fatty acids that lowers your cholesterol  and triglyceride level in the body. Hence,provides a healthy heart. 4.People who eat avocado  tend to be healthier due to its higher nutrients composition. 5.Avocado keeps the brain healthy. 6.They prevent cancer cells formation.

It is never too late to know this.....


I went for a night prayer at one in the midst of the prayer session a member touched my shoulder and said "YOU WILL WALK!"......😳😳😳😳 i didn't understand because am not disabled.....but after church, i realized my transport money had been stolen...... 😂😂😂😂😂


I was diagnosed of hypertension at the age of 28yrs when I was expecting my second child.Although my mum was hypertensive and I was at risk developing hypertension,I didnt know it could be that early.I was also obese(100kg) and was going through alot of stress at that period too.But I still didnt think of Pregnancy Induced Hypertension at that age.During my 8th month of pregnancy,I was rushed to the maternity OPD due to high blood pressure(150/100).I was seen by the doctors but all attempt to control my blood pressure proved futile.My blood pressure was just escalating(164/102) and they had no other choice than to perform an urgent caesarean section to save me and my baby at the 8month.It was a very terrible period for me.I thought my blood pressure could be controlled so that I go through normal delivery as my first child when the time is due.Hmmm.... I had to consent to the surgery after several persuasion from the doctors.I had a successful surgery and we were both saved.After the c


1,Helps prevent cancer and heart diseases. 2,An excellent antidote for cough 3,Regulates blood sugar,hence good for diabetics. 4,Heals burns and wounds. 5,Reduces ulcers and other gastrointestinal disorders. 6,It fights cholesterol in the body. 7,It boosts the immune system. 8,Prevents dandruff in the hair.


We celebrate today with you all.Today is World Hypertension Day.Life from 30 wishes everyone a healthy life from  now and forever.Treat yourself good by eating a healthy diet with more fruits and vegetables,Rest in between your activities,Go to the nearest clinics and hospital to know your blood pressure status.Know your blood pressure reading today to save your life tomorrow.All known hypertensive patients should take their medications daily and adapt healthy lifestyles such as exercising and healthy diets.Hypertension is dangerous and we need to prevent it.Take control of your life now!!


Tommorrow is World Hypertension Day,help us celebrate this day by going to the nearest clinic to check your blood pressure.Knowing your Bp readings today saves your life tomorrow.High blood pressure is a silent killer.Your age is not a barrier,remember lifestyle plays a major role.Check your Bp readings and inbox us the readings.Call on us for your free education and screening.Stay blessed!


A suspicious wife calls her husband : Where are you? Husband : At home love. Wife: Are you sure? Husband: Yes. Wife : okay, Turn on the blender. Husband : (turns blender on) Rrrreeereeeereeee... Wife: Ok my love goodbye. Another day... Suspicious Wife: Where are you? Husband : At home love. Wife: Are you sure? Husband : Yes. Wife: Turn on the blender. Husband: (turns blender on) Rrreeereeeereeee... Wife: Ok my love goodbye. The next day, the wife decides to go home without notice, and finds her son alone and she asked him, "Son where is your father?" Son: "I do not know, he went out with the blender......!!!!😂😂 😀😀😀😀


I realised that this cigarette addiction was really deafeating me but I couldnt control it.I lived for cigarette and imagined dying with a cigarette. But just one day I took a bold decision to quit smoking after losing my property and only daughter due to a house fire.Which started with my careless cigarette smoking left over.It was very horrible and I dont want to talk about it.I wish to turn back the hands of time and save my innocent baby.But its too late for me now but not you.I hope my experience helps you  change.Life is too short and it seems such a waste to pay a cigarette company to kill you slowly.Get assistance from a clinical psychologist and you will go through quitting successfully. Simon writes..... #lifefrom30hypertensionawarenessgroup#


1,It controls high blood pressure and maintains a healthy heart. 2,It contains Vitamin C,that prevents the body from infections. 3,It contains alot of antioxidants that prevents cancer cells from growing. 4,Protects the stomach and prevents liver disease. 5,It slows ageing . 6,It lowers bad LDL cholesterol and its also good for weight management. 7,It helps hair growth and strengthens the hair. #lifefrom30hypertensionawarenessgroup#
As part of our activities to commemorate the World Hypertension day (17th may), the Life from 30 team  carried out a screening programme for Greater Accra group of MUSIGA on 5th may, 2016 at 4:30pm The screening involved health education on hypertension (causes, effects and prevention), checking and recording weight, blood pressure of participants. In total 34 people were screened including 20males and 14 females. They were educated to adopt a healthy lifestyle by eating more fruits and vegetables as well constant exercising. The occasion was graced by the MUSIGA president Bice osei kuffour, who said his outfit appreciates the work we're doing and urged us to carry on with it....Thank you MUSIGA for such opportunity."KNOW YOUR NUMBERS"Call on us for your free education and blood pressure screening.Enjoy this day. ##lifefrom30hypertensionawarenessgroup##


A man went to his doctor and says,"I dont think my wife's hearing is as good as it used to be.What should I do?"Try this test to find out for sure,says the doctor.When your wife is in the kitchen doing dishes,stand 15ft behind her and ask her a question.If she doesn't respond, keep moving closer asking the same question until she hears you.The man goes home and sees the wife preparing dinner.He stands 15ft behind her and says,"what's for dinner honey?"he gets no response,so he moves 10ft behind her and asks again.Still no response.He moves 5ft still no response.Finally he stands directly behind her and says,"honey whats for dinner?".She replies,For the fourth time I said rice and



Life from 30 visited  one of Ghana's most biggest transport terminal in Accra on 1st May, 2016.Despite their busy daily activities,we educated the staff on high blood pressure and a blood pressure screening exercise was also done for more than 80 people.They were very coperative and the outcome of the exercise was satisfactory.Our sincere appreciation goes to the general staff and management of VIP station Accra for your support.To the love from 30 team, we say well done and more power to your elbow.It was not easy but you did a great job.To you all, thanks for sharing and liking our page always.It is time you enjoy alot from us.Call on us for  a free education and bp screening for your church, organisation or company.High blood pressure should no more be a silent killer....please know your numbers....Stay blessed!!