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Rural dwellers in developing countries most times cannot afford animal products which are rich sources of protein because they are either too expensive or simply unavailable. Staple diets consist mainly of cereals, grains or starchy roots and tubers this leads to various health problems associated with protein and vitamin deficiencies. The African Locust Bean, thus found very popular use especially in its fermented dawadawa form which is a product of the seeds. A seasoning native to West Africa, Dawadawa are seeds from a very common large and tall tree and it is related to the legume family. Dawadawa has a paste - like consistency with seeds present. It has a black appearance and a strong pungent smell that can be reduced by cooking. The fruit pulp is sweet to taste which indicates the presence of natural sugars and a potential energy source. The attractive yellow color indicates the presence of phyto - nutrients, carotenoid, which are important precursors of retinol (vitamin A). Its sour taste indicates presence of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and the seeds are rich in proteins and add an unforgettable flavoring to stews, soups and sauces. It's good for eyesight, prevents hypertension, stroke and diabetes by slowering the rate of food digestion and improving insulin response in people with diabetes.


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