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He was one of the most intelligent, handsome and God fearing guys on campus. We became attracted to each other during school days and got married after his first appointment in a financial institution. He was so serious with his work to the extent that he was loved by almost all his authorities. He moved his company to a higher level and was promoted to be a branch manager.
It all started when he complained about his periodic headaches. I usually supply him with some pain killers just to calm him down. He was diagnosed of hypertension at 38yrs, after he was rushed to the clinic due to a sudden collapse at the office. He was put on some antihypertensive and some cholesterol controlling drugs.
Initially, I was supervising him on the intake of his medication. But I stopped after a year when I realized he was complying with therapy.
Hmmmm……..that fateful day, after telling the boys their bedtime stories, we went to bed. In the morning, I realized he was still sleeping and smiling in his sleep. I tried waking him up by touch. To my dismay, he was very cold, rigid and unresponsive. I hurriedly rushed him to the nearby clinic and he was confirmed dead. The post mortem confirmed heart attack as the cause.
I am still going through the pain although it’s been 8years after his death. I wish I could have supervised him to take his medications and monitored his blood pressure reading regularly.
Trust me; I’m sharing this story just to tell a sister, brother and a parent to be more concerned about the wellbeing of our relatives living with high blood pressure. Let us all be each other’s keeper. High blood pressure kills silently and you should try not to be a victim.

Semefa writes…


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