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A Nigerian teacher was sent to China to teach....

The first day he entered the class and was roll calling,

He called out names, "Sheng", a student stood up and answered "present sir".

He called the second name "chu muon ", another student answered "present sir".

Suddenly he sneezed "hatchia". One student seated at the corner stoop up and said, "present sir".

He surprisingly exclaimed, "hmmm". All the students shouted "absent sir".

At this moment, he got confused and said, "Chai". Three students immediately stood up and
said, "which of us sir".

The teacher became even more confused and asked, "what's  wrong"?? A student stood up and answered," sir, I am not
wrong. I am called Wong "

Now the teacher could not help it but laughed out" hahaha...... A girl stood up and answered, "present sir"

The teacher collapsed with laughter.


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