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Most people would mention dark purple, glossy and shaped like a very large teardrop when asked to described an egg plant.
Egg plant or aubergine is a species of nightshade family just as tomato and potato.
The common name is egg plant or aubergine but it has other names like brinjal, melongene, garden egg or guinea squash at different parts of the world.
India is said to be the native country of this strange-looking fruit. Yes, that's what it is. A fruit!
There are many egg plant varities; one type is small, white and looks a lot like an egg, another is long and shinning like a bean, while the 'Toga' variety is yellowish orange with green stripes.
When choosing, it should be firm and not too large. The length of a cucumber and the circumference of a large pear should be just about the right size.
It's rich in carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins like folate, niacin, thiamin, vit B6, vit C, vit E and vit K and also has minerals which includes calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, zinc and potassium. It also has a low fat content.
Its leaves and roots are boiled or juiced and used for tonic to cure troubles with the throat or stomach, coughs, foot pain, skin diseases etc and can also be use as a general stimulant.


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