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Showing posts from February, 2016
Working out doesn't have to be a chore. Have fun with it.


Stroke occurs when part of your brain is deprived of oxygen and nutrients causing brain cells to die. Uncontrolled high blood pressure can lead to stroke by damaging and weakening your brain's blood vessels, causing them to narrow, rupture or leak. High blood pressure can also cause blood clots to form in the arteries leading to your brain, blocking blood flow and potentially causing a stroke.


A Nigerian teacher was sent to China to teach.... The first day he entered the class and was roll calling, He called out names, "Sheng", a student stood up and answered "present sir". He called the second name "chu muon ", another student answered "present sir". Suddenly he sneezed "hatchia". One student seated at the corner stoop up and said, "present sir". He surprisingly exclaimed, "hmmm". All the students shouted "absent sir". At this moment, he got confused and said, "Chai". Three students immediately stood up and said, "which of us sir". The teacher became even more confused and asked, "what's  wrong"?? A student stood up and answered," sir, I am not wrong. I am called Wong " Now the teacher could not help it but laughed out" hahaha...... A girl stood up and answered, "present sir" The teacher collapsed with laughter.


Reginald liked to eat a lot of salt with his food. Whatever he ate, he would always add plenty of salt and seasonings. He never considered himself unhealthy, did not exercise and was getting overweight. In march 2015, Reginald, who worked in a restaurant  collapsed as he was going about his normal duties at work. Before his collapse he stated to a co-worker he felt dizzy and not feeling well. He was in the hospital for days and felt he had lost the use of the right side of his body after gaining consciousness. Various investigations confirmed he had mild stroke caused by a blood clot. He took medications to control his blood pressure and cholesterol and begun physiotherapy. Having a stroke at 38years was a big shock to him. "I thought stroke only happened to old men and women" he stated. It took him a long while to come to terms with his new diagnosis. "It's a hidden disability I can't explain" he said. He is now careful of what he eats,greatly reduced hi


Most people would mention dark purple, glossy and shaped like a very large teardrop when asked to described an egg plant. Egg plant or aubergine is a species of nightshade family just as tomato and potato. The common name is egg plant or aubergine but it has other names like brinjal, melongene, garden egg or guinea squash at different parts of the world. India is said to be the native country of this strange-looking fruit. Yes, that's what it is. A fruit! There are many egg plant varities; one type is small, white and looks a lot like an egg, another is long and shinning like a bean, while the 'Toga' variety is yellowish orange with green stripes. When choosing, it should be firm and not too large. The length of a cucumber and the circumference of a large pear should be just about the right size. It's rich in carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins like folate, niacin, thiamin, vit B6, vit C, vit E and vit K and also has minerals which includes calcium, iron, magnesium,
One of the greatest moments in my life is realizing that two weeks ago, my body could not do what i just did today. And that is why i keep pushing myself each time i hit the gym.


A brain disease resulting in problems with thinking,speaking , reasoning ,memory, vision and movement. There are a number of causes of dementia. One cause, vascular dementia, can result from narrowing and blockage of the arteries  that supply blood to the brain. It can also result from strokes caused by an interruption of blood flow to the brain. In either cases, high blood pressure may be the culprit. Monitoring your blood pressure is the only way to detect high blood pressure since you do not show any signs and symptoms when your pressure is high. Take action now.


I am Nana Kwasi, a 45year old auditor and I was diagnosed as hypertensive 4 months ago. I had heard that when you start the medications you will be on it for life and I had also heard about the various side effects. I was scared. Fortunately for me,  I saw the benefits of beetroot on your (Lifefrom30) Facebook page that it helps in the control of high blood pressure, I had started my medication for only about a week, so I decided to quit my medication and try the beetroot drink. Later on, I  realised that my pressure readings were very good anytime I checked so I was just taking the beetroot drink without my medication and without my doctor's consent.  For sometime too I was was not monitoring my pressure readings because they were always good. I continued this for close to two months and a week till one day when I felt dizzy  whiles working at the office. I was told later on recovery that I collapsed and was rushed to the hospital with a diagnosis of  extreme blood pressure of 18


I am popularly known throughout Africa.  The hausa's in Nigeria call me Aya. Yoruba's call me Imumu. Igbo's call me Ofio and in Ghana, Atadwe is my name. Others, cutting across Africa, also choose to call me small tubers.                     I am rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium and iron to build strong bones and muscles.                       I help fight malnutrition in under- developed nations due to my high source of protein. You all know protein help with the growth of new cells and tissues and since the male sperm is also a cell, I grow it too. I lower high blood pressure and cholesterol levels, prevent hardening of arteries, heart attacks, stroke and activate blood circulation to all parts of the body not forgetting the male reproductive system, opening up its blood vessels and pouring more blood thus my attribute to cause errection.     I contain vitamin E which is essential for fertility in both men and women.                   My milk is used to treat sto
Make use of every little space to exercise, you could lie down and raise your limbs up and  down, simply walk up and down a hallway or street or skip a rope. Stay healthy and save the hospital bills. 


So this past Valentine weekend, Lifefrom30 and Omron health care had a special Val's day package for all. It focused on the need for daily monitoring of blood pressure if hypertensive, monitoring at least once in a month if you are not hypertensive but within the risk category and getting the correct calf size from a trusted brand.           About 30% who were known hypertensives had the blood pressure monitors but hardly used them , about 40% were hypertensives and hadn't taken their medications due to forgetfulness as a result of busy schedules at work or school and about 15% of those who recorded a high blood pressure reading were not known hypertensives thus were not on any medication. They were advised to follow up at a clinic or hospital to continue monitoring their blood pressure. The rest of the 15% just decided not to check their pressure  because they thought they felt okay and fit, were too young to record a high blood pressure and others also decided not to check  
I If Valentine is all about love emanating from the heart, then you sure need to know the state of your heart in giving out that love to that special person.  Join us this VALENTINE at the Accra Mall with OMRON as we check your blood pressure and give a one on one health talk for free.  This is happening from today, 12th February to Sunday, 14th February 2016. Save a friend's heart on Val's day with a Blood Pressure monitor from OMRON as Valentine gift of life. 


     From red, green, purple grapes to seedless grapes, grape jelly and grape juice. Not forgetting wine and raisins, grapes have much importance to human health.         Grapes are rich in vitamins A, C, B6 and folate in addition to essential minerals like potassium,  calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, and selenium.                BONE FORMATION                 the copper, iron and magnesium in grapes increase the density of our bones preventing osteoporosis.                                  HEART DISEASES                 grapes increase the nitric oxide levels in our blood which prevents blood clots, therefore grapes is an effective way to reduce chances of heart attack.  Also the antioxidants present in grapes prevents the oxidation of low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol which block blood vessels and is a main contributor to various coronary conditions.  MIGRAINE                                    ripe grape juice is an important home remedy for curing migraine. It s


Children feel tired mostly after a very long day at school thereby they may not want to participate in after - school activities. But in this era that both children and adults spend more hours each day infront of the television and computers, exercise is a must. Children can have time to run outside or play an unorganized sport, running  on a soft surface such as grass or mat, climbing small trees and monkey bars are great exercises for children but they should be supervised.      With exercise :  1. Children develop coordination and      creativity.  2. Have healthy growth and development.  3. Have stronger muscles and bones.  4. Have leaner body because exercise helps control body fat thereby giving them a healthier range weight. 5. Children have a decrease in the risk of developing diabetes 6. Have lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels . 7. Are able to sleep better. 8.Have a better outlook in life. 9. Have a better self esteem 10. Are able to handle physical and e


Consult your doctor if you notice any of the following in you or your child. 1. Increased thirst 2. Frequent urination 3. Bedwetting in children who previously did not wet the bed during the night. 4. Extreme hunger 5. Unintended weight loss 6. Irritability and other mood changes 7. Fatigue and weakness 8. Blurred vision 9. In females, a vaginal yeast infection

Don't wait for that man to invite you over, know your dentition!

Man: anytime u smile I just feel like inviting u to my place Girl: awwwww..are u single? Man: I'm a dentist


I am a plant native to West Africa. My fruit consist of a fleshy pulp with small, brownish - black seeds and used conventionally used as a spice and as natural multivitamins. My sweet fragrance is highly valued and professed by all.  Proteins, lipids, potassium, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus are some of the nutrients I possess. As a flavour to soft drinks I can be used to give you a sweet taste and have gained approval from the Food and Drugs Authority. My aqueous fruit extracts has also been shown to possess hypoglycemic (blood glucose reducing) properties and can reduce convulsions with its ability to slow down the central nervous system. My leaves are essential for the treatment of epilepsy and present a strong molluscicidal activity. The root extract has also been proven to be useful in treating gastrointestinal related clinical problems. I am marketed to reduce hypertension, decrease the severity of asthma and promote blood flow. Need I remind you of my pleasant aroma for w

Don't Just Medicate

 "My mother, 60 yrs now, used to complain of headaches frequently. It ranged from mild to severe at different times. She mostly takes paracetamol as self - medication and other over - the - counter medications. She will never go to the hospital not until a fibroid that she had had to be operated on. Her vitals were checked as part of the preparations for impending surgery and she was pronounced hypertensive after consistent blood pressure checks. I do not remember the exact figures she had for the readings but I remember they were high hence her new diagnosis. So she was put on anti-hypertensives to stabilize her pressure before the surgery and ever since she's been on the medications for the past six years. One day I noticed a change in the way she talks. Her fingers were clubbing and her mouth was kind of twisting. I quickly rushed her to see her doctor who asked we run some urgent scans and other investigations, after which a diagnosis of mild stroke plus facial palsy was


           MORE WATER, MORE LIFE...DRINK UP! Making up over two~thirds of body weight, 95% of the brain, 82% of blood and 90% of the lungs shows how important water is to life. It is indeed life. It serves as a lubricant and regulates the body temperature. Transports nutrients in the blood stream and sends waste materials out of our body. We lose water every day through breath, perspiration(sweat), urine and bowel movement and there is a need to replenish all that we lose by taking in water, fruits and vegetables that contain water such as watermelon, strawberries, pineapples, oranges,apples, pear, bananas, cucumber, lettuce, tomatoes and the list goes on and on and on.A merely 2% drop in our body's water supply can trigger dehydration which is a common cause of daytime fatigue. Dehydration causes confusion, dizziness,fainting and a decrease urine output. It also gives you difficulty in focusing on basic math and understanding a simple reading. Just about 8 ounce (2 li