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Originally shared by Betty Twumasi -Ankrah It is very important to reassure your clients before checking their blood pressure in order to avoid high bp readings. Communicate effectively with your clients, know their fears and record accurate readings. In simple terms, let them feel comfortable..... #lifefrom30 
Recent posts
How To Prevent Kidney Failure The kidneys are two organs located in your mid section on either side of your spine. They clean the blood from waste and keep a balance of salt and other minerals in order to control your blood pressure. The most commonest causes of kidney disease are;diabetes, hypertension, heavy alcohol users, smoking, old age, people with recurrent urinary tract infections , and over the counter drugs abusers. When the kidneys are damaged, waste products and fluids builds up in your body causing swellings, vomiting, weakness, poor sleep and shortness of breath . Report to the nearest health facility when you experience any of the above symptoms. Check your blood pressure and blood sugar regularly. If no intervention is done, the kidneys will eventually stop working. Remember that, loss of kidney functioning is very fatal and we should all be alert. Share and save a life today! #lifefrom30hypertensionawarenessgroup # "


I was going through  Facebook  a month ago and saw the picture below being shared by a friend on her page . It really caught my attention. But after reading the message, I felt very sad and worried. The reason was that, obesity was killing me slowly(98kg) and hardly exercise too. But my attitude towards life have changed. I started exercising every weekends when I don't have work. The funny thing is that, the picture was always on my mind and kept me moving. I now eat fruits every morning and evening of which  I never did. My colleagues look at me and wonder what is causing the sudden change . It's no other thing than "life from 30" picture....... The great news is that my weight is reducing gradually and I feel so healthy, strong and happy. Thank you "life from 30".Keep up the good work. You are changing life and saving innocent souls. Shallom!!!                                              Kobby writes #lifefrom30hypertensionawarenessgroup#


1,It prevents heart conditions due to its omega 3 contents. 2,It is good for pregnant women and aid in the development of the baby's brain. 3,It is an excellent source of Vitamin D for an optimal health 4,It contains selenium which works as an    antioxidant, preventing cell damage. 5,It reduces risk of depression due to its omega 3 content. 6,It prevents inflammation  of the joints due to its calcitonin contents. 7,It is good for school going children as it prevents ADHD. 8,It prevents  cognitive decline in the elderly. #lifefrom30hypertensionawarenessgroup#
Group fitness is a great way to help,motivate yourself and others to dig deeper and push harder in workout.Get a fitness group closer to your hood or organization and shake the excess fats off. #lifefrom30hypertensionawarenessgroup#pictureofGRNA/CEPSHQ#ABURIGARDENS#
AN IMPORTANT THING YOU SHOULD KNOW.  There are several blood vessels (arteries) in our body that carry blood from the heart throughout the body.These blood vessels are lined by a thin layer of cells called endothelium.The endothelium is smooth in nature,which enables easy flow of blood in the body. But atherosclerosis occurs when the endothelium of the blood vessel is occupied with fatty plaques preventing blood from flowing through the body.As the build up of fat increases,it slows down the flow of blood or may rapture the blood vessel.This result in your risk of developing heart attack or stroke.The sad thing is that it presents no symptoms unless at its terminal stage.The most commonest cause of atherosclerosis is high cholesterol,smoking and high blood pressure.Exercise regularly to burn excess fats,eat nutritious diet,avoid smoking and check your blood pressure regularly. #lifefrom30hypertensionawarenessgroup#


Most a times when people share their experiences here,you may think they are not real till it happens to you. I am Ghanaian but lives outside the country with my family.I saw a story on your page about a young lady who had Pregnancy induced hypertension and it was really touching. I then realised from the comments that,most people may fall victims to what i experienced. Hence the need share my story in order to save lives too. My blood pressure was normal throughout pregnancy and a had a safe delivery too.But  the whole game changed after delivery when I started having a high blood pressure(above 140/90mmHg).In fact,I didn't understand this whole concept but to comply to the treatment prescribed by my doctor.I felt so sad because I got to know a lot of myths  about hypertension. But the story changed when I saw the stories of young people living with hypertension on your page and how they managed it.Then I started exercising, watching my diet, taking my medication religiously an