Originally shared by Betty Twumasi -Ankrah It is very important to reassure your clients before checking their blood pressure in order to avoid high bp readings. Communicate effectively with your clients, know their fears and record accurate readings. In simple terms, let them feel comfortable..... #lifefrom30
How To Prevent Kidney Failure The kidneys are two organs located in your mid section on either side of your spine. They clean the blood from waste and keep a balance of salt and other minerals in order to control your blood pressure. The most commonest causes of kidney disease are;diabetes, hypertension, heavy alcohol users, smoking, old age, people with recurrent urinary tract infections , and over the counter drugs abusers. When the kidneys are damaged, waste products and fluids builds up in your body causing swellings, vomiting, weakness, poor sleep and shortness of breath . Report to the nearest health facility when you experience any of the above symptoms. Check your blood pressure and blood sugar regularly. If no intervention is done, the kidneys will eventually stop working. Remember that, loss of kidney functioning is very fatal and we should all be alert. Share and save a life today! #lifefrom30hypertensionawarenessgroup # "