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Showing posts from August, 2016


Most a times when people share their experiences here,you may think they are not real till it happens to you. I am Ghanaian but lives outside the country with my family.I saw a story on your page about a young lady who had Pregnancy induced hypertension and it was really touching. I then realised from the comments that,most people may fall victims to what i experienced. Hence the need share my story in order to save lives too. My blood pressure was normal throughout pregnancy and a had a safe delivery too.But  the whole game changed after delivery when I started having a high blood pressure(above 140/90mmHg).In fact,I didn't understand this whole concept but to comply to the treatment prescribed by my doctor.I felt so sad because I got to know a lot of myths  about hypertension. But the story changed when I saw the stories of young people living with hypertension on your page and how they managed it.Then I started exercising, watching my diet, taking my medication religiously an


Ever heard that sleep plays an important role in your physical and mental health? Yes, it indeed does. It is involved in healing and repair of your heart and blood vessels. Consistent sleep deficiency is linked to an increased risk of heart diseases, kidney diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes and stroke. It generally gives a better mental status and a great feeling of well-being.
If you've been diagnosed with hypertension,you might be worried about taking medication to bring your numbers down.Remember that lifestyle plays a major role in treating high blood pressure.If you successfully control your blood pressure with healthy lifestyle,you might avoid delay or reduce the need  for medication.Lose extra kilos today!! #lifefrom30hypertensionawarenessgroup#

Shake the body off and burn the fats......Hypertension is real.Know your numbers and save your life kick hypertension out now!!! #lifefrom30hypertensionawarenessgroup

The most painful thing is being alive and not able to move a body part..........Stroke is a serious condition.Has anyone in your family suffered from stroke before?


A stroke occurs when the blood supply to your brain is interrupted or reduced. This deprives your brain of oxygen and nutrients, which can cause your brain cells to die. A stroke may be caused by a blocked artery (ischemic stroke) or the leaking or bursting of a blood vessel (hemorrhagic stroke).

Importance of Grounding

Grounding also known as earthing is simple; you walk barefoot to ground with the earth. This has been proven to have many health benefits; You have a healthier feet. Greater circulation. A better posture. Reduces blood pressure. Increased mobility. Less joint pain. Reduce inflammation. Greater freedom.