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Showing posts from July, 2016


Jamaican man crashes his new car and cries: "mi can't believe mi just fuck up mi brand new beamer" The paramedic turns to him and says: "u jamaicans are so materialistic, you haven't even noticed u are missing your left arm" The Jamaican looks down and sees that his arm was missing and shouts: "bumboclaath mi Rolex gone too"😂😂😂😂😂
Work out. Eat right. Your body will reward you.


Gone are the days when our beliefs,and thoughts limited the prevention and management of hypertension.There is no doubt that socio cultural beliefs are difficult to be neutralized,hence some people still have a different perception about hypertension and heart diseases.My family was not different from those people,but now the story has changed.......  My name is Kofi Arhin,I am 26 years of age.Hypertension and its related complications have ruin my family for the past years.My grandmother who did not only die in the name of uncontrolled high blood pressure and diabetes,genetically passed it on to her children(5 out of 7).One of my uncles died few years ago on account of this unfriendly disease.During my training at the nursing institution,I realized that hypertension runs in the family and  I needed to save my family from these unexpected deaths.Currently, my mum and her four other siblings are under close monitoring and management on hypertension and diabetes.It is not easy at all.As


We pay more attention on our outward look,forgetting that we are true reflectors of what we eat or do to our body.We eat all kinds of food when we start receiving our salaries and move around saying life begins at 40.What life are we going to live if the foundation is not well laid.It suddens my heart to hear people say fruits and vegetables are very expensive hence hardly take them.But we are able to buy expensive things to lavish ourselves.Some people complain of not getting enough time to exercise  during the week,yet they get time to go and watch movies and other entertaining programs.Who I'm I to judge?We all fall short when it comes to living a healthy life.But we should know that healthy life is very important.Dont stress yourself trying to please your boss.Rest in between your stressful activities.When you die today,someone will replace you.Anytime you put something into your mouth,think of the benefits to your body.Above all,know your blood pressure readings.Most unexpecte


I am Nana Kwasi, a 45year old auditor and I was diagnosed as hypertensive 4 months ago. Initially, I had a problem with taking my medication because I had heard that when you start taking it you will be on it for life and I had also heard of people complaining about different side effects. I was scared. Well, I started my medication then I think after week, I saw the benefits of beetroot on your (Lifefrom30) Facebook page that it helps in the control of high blood pressure so I decided to quit my medication and try the beetroot drink. Later on, by monitoring my pressure I realised the readings were very good so I was just taking the beetroot drinks without the medication and without my doctor's consent and I stopped worrying myself about monitoring because the readings were always good when I checked. I continued staying off the medications for close to 2 months and about a week,  till one day when I felt dizzy  whiles working at the office. On recovery I realised I was at the h


Nice One

The  International Society   of Hypertension  and World Hypertension League  acknowledged Life from 30(Ghana) for their great effort during this year's World Hypertension Day period. Data and some pictures were published in their quarterly journal this year  as a form of acknowledgement. Indeed we cannot rejoice abt our success without thanking you for your support by ur daily sharing n liking of our post.To the Life from 30 team.,we say well done. #Lifefrom30hypertensionawarenessgruop #
Life from 30 participated in the Despite Group of Companies public blood donation program by checking the blood pressure of individuals who were scheduled for the blood donation program.A one on one education  on hypertension was also given to most of the people.We thank the administrative body of the Despite Group of Company for the opportunity.To the team members,we say well done.Keep up the good work.
LIFE From 30 had a successful education and screening exercise with about 40 staff of Trans Global logistics,Tema on the 30th June,2016.A detailed education on hypertension and its related complication was done by the team,followed by a blood pressure,hepatitis B,blood sugar and malaria screening.It was very involving but with the cooperation and support from the staff it was successful.We want to express our sincere gratitude to the administration and staff of Trans Global Logistics for their support.Thank you Team Life from 30.Keep up with the good work.