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Showing posts from July, 2015


Water plays an essential role in the body especially during elimination of waste products after digestion and other metabolic activities.Almost everything that you put in your body has some type of toxin in it.Fortunately, the majority of these will not make you sick if you are properly hydrated. This is because the water you drink helps the kidneys function properly. As the food, drink and even medicine that you put into your body filters through the kidneys, these organs pull and filter toxins. If your body is functioning on too little water, the kidneys can't pull out toxins properly, which will eventually make you sick.It is always advisable to  drink water frequently to aid the kidneys function well.
People with high blood pressure, diabetes - those are conditions brought about by life style. If you change the life style, those conditions will leave. Dick Gregory
HEALTHY LIFE WITH COCONUT WATER Coconut water contains more potassium than banana,zinc,calcium, phosphorus,vitamin c and traces of other essential minerals.This is another amazing benefit of coconut.... SOLVES COMMON PREGNANCY PROBLEMS:During pregnancy,women experience symptoms such as fatigue,vomiting sensations,constipation and other issues.Drinking coconut water daily help resolve all these problems due to its essential nutrient packed